Born into a Dosha - Living in a Dosha influence.

Let’s take a look at Dosha’s.


Air - Space

Vata people are quick in thinking, creative, flexible in mind, slender tall/small bodies & their speech is fast.

If they are out of balance they can be overly flexible in decision making, caustic, anxious, they think too much. They may have sleep issues, gas, IBS

Vata people need grounding, they are spiritual creatures, creative and have great insight.


Fire - Water

Pitta people are goal oriented and make great leaders. They are competitive, planners, can be materialistic.

They like nice things and like acquiring nice things. They are single minded out of balance they can be aggressive and highly competitive, angry, suffer skin outbursts, ulcers & suffer heat related tummy issues.

Pitta people need to eat regularly.


Earth - Water

Kapha people are gentle, but their bodies are strong. High endurance, loving , forgiving, hard working and classed as the most grounded of the Doshas.

Out of balance they can be lazy, forget themselves. They can get trapped in their habits and set in their ways. Stubborn & accumulative.

Kapha people need movement.



This is an energy healing system that hails from Egypt. It is a derivative of Seichim and is a natural way of restoring vitality to the body, mind and soul. The system includes the use of exercises, visualisations and tapping into the energy and the power of the Egyptian goddess Sekmet.

Sekhem is a 5th level healing energy as Reiki is a 3rd. It allows a deep sense of relaxation and connection & is a perfect way to balance and restore peace to the body and mind.

Treatment time is 1hr £45