Where do we begin..

Written by Colette Forrest

It all begins with an idea. That random idea that you might have 3 months off work. Then that changes to 4 and NOW I’m nearly on 5 months. Everyone including my husband keep saying to me,

‘But your still teaching.’

I know that but, how do I describe that feeling of watching someone’s face change when they discover something for themselves. Maybe only the teachers will get this but I also think mothers will get where I’m coming from. You watch your creations grow and when they reach out for something that was out of their grasp before to suddenly see - that look - is it a sparkle when it happens (our students normally swear because that’s just who they are.)

I’m standing right now in my kitchen building this new website & to be honest I don’t find these things easy because, I’m not techie but I also think I’ve got all this time on my hands so why the hell not, after all there is google and by god I’m using it all the way. I thought to myself I need to build something where its all linked but it’s easy. Instead of describing to someone else the images I had in my mind I thought I’ll go and explore, see what comes to me. You know what’s like - you have an idea and then you decide not to be so pig-headed and stubborn and check out some of these ‘designs’.

Yoga sites can be a bit scary. Some of the pictures are so far away from normality that it now makes me laugh, after all yoga for me has totally changed. I came to it wanting to float like a butterfly from one thing to the other only to discover I didn’t feel very peaceful and this over-achieving mind was punishing me for not being able to DO THAT POSE. Have you ever had one of those days where your a bit down but you don’t know why? What do you do when that happens? What is your default button? You normally give yourself a bit of boxing match, go on social media to see who is having a better time than you and then you punish yourself in whichever form that takes…………where am I going with this building the site thing. I didn’t want it to be all yoga postures and themes of teachers. I wanted it to be something that you looked at and thought: Yip that’s straight forward, bit of scenery of our gorgeous country and have within it the things that really excite me.

For a long time I’ve been trained in crystals, Sekhem, aroma, therapeutics and you know I’ve brought them into the studio. Remember the day you walked up to the studio and frankincense was meeting you on your walk? That weird woody smell when you walked into the yoga room, yeah it was my way of clearing space. Space that we all need but, it was meant for you. For you to forget everything else that was going on and just be you, in whichever way you turned up with or without your own clothes. We have had men in womens clothes, women in mens shorts who actually cares!! you forgot your stuff and you reached into that box and took out what you needed - sometimes you brought it back and other times you thought ah no one will know….Karma rules apply here.

So why am I building this site? To enable you to press a button and it’s done. For us to keep everyone safe as we have to follow protocol and reduce numbers in the studio. I’ve added to ability to stream a live class from home if you missed your spot. I’m also adding in something that I’ve been working on for a good while The Peace Project. This is a combination of classes and workshop themes. Remember the candle magick? It’s something that sits close to my heart. It draws together meditation and other techniques EFT, pressure marma points, self massage freedom techniques. It brings out my inner witch.

So this is my first blog and I can now see why people get carried away with these things. I feel as if I’m talking to you directly, some of you are laughing, Tony is asking me where my beads are and Paulines laughter is running through the walls of the studio. This is the first blog we will keep this running, different subjects, different days!!!

Frank get the door my feet are killing me in these shoes…………..


How happiness has become something to have- rather than realising it’s there (within)