This thing they call “new”

Maybe your working from home until next year. Maybe this hasn’t affected much of your work life. Today while the engineer was fixing the shutter to the business he said to me;

“Has this had a big effect on you?”

I stopped for a few minutes just thinking and he interrupted by saying

“Oh sorry what a stupid question, for you, your doors have been shut for months if not a year.”

I did look at him and carried onto say that all the way through I have been teaching. Very differently but still seeing and interacting with people outside of family. But I still was going over in my mind - how has this affected me - ME. Not the teacher but the person that is called Colette.

Are we forgetting that we aren’t our jobs or the owner of a shop or whatever you do. You are you. I remember saying to Tony one day in class when he was asking me how I felt in a yin class personally and I said tho him:

“ It takes me to a place where I have no name.”

I have felt a lot of other pressures fall away from me during this time. I made a decision to cancel a teacher training I had planned to do as I personally feel to learn this art you have to immerse within it. I was doing enough screen time and couldn’t think of spending 200hrs stuck on a screen when I couldn’t feel how the teacher was, sense their energies . Everyone is different.

The affects have been calming in a lot of ways. I rediscovered my love for gardening, something I hadn’t had any time for due to the busy way I was living my life, or was I just so unprepared with my boundaries, saying ‘yes’ to everything and helping too much. I think we all get to that point where we are stretched a little too thin. Very similar to the way you work, work, work, then go on holiday and end up with a head cold. I remember a friend once saying - I love saying no to people because that means I’m saying yes to me……


How happiness has become something to have- rather than realising it’s there (within)


What am I doing?